
I got a flu shot!

So... I hate shots. And I've never wanted a flu shot before! Never seemed like a good idea, but...

I analyzed the situation... and decided it was for the best.

It goes like this...

Lacey Joy (my big sister!) is having a baby on Dec. 10. And if I'm not sick when we come up in December for Christmas, I can hold her and snuggle her and all that! But if I'm sick... no such snuggling luck!So I have to do everything in my power to be NOT sick when I show up for Christmas! Which, with me, will be really hard, 'cause for whatever reason, I'm always sick! GRRRRR!!!!

Anyways, I came up with the idea, that maybe if I gave myself the flu... I would be sure to not get it at Christmas? At least the same strain anyways... So, when my office did their annual office-paid flu shot vaccines on Tuesday, I participated! Hoping for one of two outcomes. The best would be that I'd be vaccinated and be immune. Wouldn't that be swell? The second would be that I'd get the flu. And have it now, and not over Christmas. Either way, I win. I think.

The only problem is that I already had nasal drainage & a sore throat (bad idea to get the flu shot already sick? I think yes!) and it's getting worse! So now I'm not sure if I'm just getting a worse cold (I hate colds!) or if I'm getting the flu (at least I'd get to go home for the day). Anyways, I feel terrible. I've got a slight fever, and I've got muscle aches, and my arm hurts where I got the shot at, and uggh. I win. I guess.

I told a lady here at work that my plan was to either be vaccinated against the flu or get the flu so I don't have to get it at Christmas time. And you know what she said? That's really smart. Makes me feel special to be told I'm smart... Whether I really am or not is another story, but we both think that it sounds like I thought it through!

I'm thinking maybe I'm an idiot? What if I got a flu shot, with my already compromised immune system (I had a sore throat already), and gave myself the flu? That would surely stink! Not cool! *sigh* What's a girl to do? Too late to go back now!

Additional note: Apparently, it's rare to get the flu from the flu shot, but if you do it's not for a couple of weeks. However that's not really what I'm worried about! A couple of people in my office had already had the flu! I'm worried that I already had it in my system, and overloading it with too many viruses to fight off will make me come down to too many! I have a tendency to get whatever bug a couple of weeks to months after everyone else around me has had it... like I've been fighting it and fighting it and I just can't beat it or something... It's dumb!

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